The 19th Friday four of 2024
The Friday Four is a weekly highlight from behind the scenes at Tura Lura Co. Let’s get into it!
On Wednesday evening this week, I got the chance to lead a Candle Pour Bar class with the Iowa City Downtown District! We had a full room, and lots of fun. I love helping people create purposeful events, and this one was absolutely fabulous. If you have been thinking about hosting a gathering, let’s chat soon!
The June studio schedule went live last week! The Green House event in Iowa City on June 2 is starting to get sign ups, and I am so excited to try a Friday night event at the studio in West Branch! Summer scents and more Iowa grown flowers are on my mind. And some special ideas for Kick off to Summer in West Branch on June 7/8… I am thinking of doing a little kid and adult friendly craft and a snack to get out of the summer heat and into the air conditioning for 15-20 minutes for our big event weekends. If you were to choose your favorite kind of popcorn for a snack, what would it be? Movie Theater Butter? Caramel? Wisconsin Cheddar? Something a little more wild? Can you do me a favor and reply back to let me know? I’m doing an informal poll to try and see what folks prefer.
We are heading into a weekend to celebrate all the mother’s, other mother’s, and mom like people in your life! Open hours this week are limited, just today, Friday 5/10 from noon to 4pm. If you are interested in visiting soon, please visit to see the schedule for walk in hours and all our upcoming studio classes.
This year I began to sow seeds, it was new and kind of scary to try a new hobby. But the seeds started to grow! Then I accidently neglected the seedlings when I got busy, and they were fried under grow lights. Fast forward, I tried again. They began to grow and transitioned them outside! And it was too early, they needed a bit more protection from the elements. So this week most of my plant babies are gone, again. I wanted to give up, and truth be told I almost gave up. But, I tend to learn best from my failures. So, the few that made it in the trays are going into the garden this weekend, and I will start another round in the trays. The difference is I am equipped with a little more information. It’s like anything, you gotta try, fail and learn friends. Keep your chin up and keep trying new things. After a few times, it’s not so new and not so scary.
That’s all for this Friday! Sending you love and light,